There is no greater agony than bearing the story untold in you.

 ~Maya Angelou

Life is tough, the world can be loud. We can be even loud repeating our fears to ourselves. Girl it’s important to find your quiet, embrace your path, remind yourself everything you need within you.
You are enough!
It’s my hope my words and experience inspire you.
Don't let comparison rob you of the most beautiful life you can live being.
With Every Step, ​Girl, ​Be You

I’m Black All Year! (Copy)
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

I’m Black All Year! (Copy)

My blackness shouldn’t be an afterthought to rectify a situation where your racism was louder than your ability to be kind. My love of my blackness as well as my desire to be PRO- BLACK doesn’t mean I don’t want others to win. I just want to see BLACK folks WIN and LIVE too! That’s fair right?

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Don’t Yuck My Yum!
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

Don’t Yuck My Yum!

I love a lot of things. One thing I love for sure is food. Whenever I am invited out to have a drink, brunch or dinner I run right to that website and look at the menu.

Don’t allow anyone Yuck Your Yum it is so important that YOU, don’t yuck anyone else’s yum. You may see things you don’t agree with. Unless it is requested just let people be.

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Pandora Bracelets & Gratitude
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

Pandora Bracelets & Gratitude

The gratitude could be for something big or something small even down to something you are wearing. My mind immediately went to the Pandora bracelet I was wearing.

Over the years I have lived in some pretty dark places emotionally and mentally. Struggling to have regulated nervous system. Never believing I was worth love from myself or anyone else. It took years to evolve, grow and start to love me.

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Y’all Don’t Love Black Women, For Real!
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

Y’all Don’t Love Black Women, For Real!

Folks really don’t like Black women. The truth is, folks get real uncomfortable when Black women become too successful. It feels like you start winning too much, it’s like, “Who does she think she is?”

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