There is no greater agony than bearing the story untold in you.
~Maya Angelou
Life is tough, the world can be loud. We can be even loud repeating our fears to ourselves. Girl it’s important to find your quiet, embrace your path, remind yourself everything you need within you.
You are enough!
It’s my hope my words and experience inspire you.
Don't let comparison rob you of the most beautiful life you can live being.
With Every Step, Girl, Be You

Dreamwork Means Work!
How many times have you heard, “Follow your dream?” Without a plan, consistency sprinkled with a whole lotta work, the dream stays just that..a dream. I’m learning everyday I have to silence the noise, work in the dark sometimes alone and dig in so I can see the dreams of the 8 year old Jee come true.

Girl, Love You First!
The way that you speak to yourself in the quiet times matter. So be gentle with yourself. The world yells the cruel, mean and hurtful things to us. Learn to speak to yourself with kindness and understanding, especially on the tough days.

The Game of Thrones Recap No One Asked For!
Five years later, Game of Thrones is still a must watch with for me. This show has endless lessons of strategy, love, power, loyalty. If you take a deeper dive I am sure you and I both can find a way to weave real life experiences into this show. A few other people in my life thought a rewatch was necessary as well, we started a group chat to share our endless commentary filled with our thoughts, frustrations and down right pissed at some of the characters.

I Got That Dog!
I went to my father in hopes that he would rescue me from a team member who wasn’t complying with my leadership decisions. He looked me in my eye and said, “Jee you have to learn to deal with this the best way you know how.” In that moment I was so upset even pissed. How could he not come and rescue me? The bigger lesson I learned years later, he was teaching me how to have a fight within. He was teaching me how to have resilience, leadership, how to navigate life without him holding my hand.