Dear Honey Pot


Let’s talk feminine hygiene and pocketbooks for a moment. Keep reading you will find out what a pocketbook is.

Here we are really talking about pocketbooks, most would say let’s not discuss but sugar we must! If your mama was anything like mine or a village you grew up in then you definitely had the hygiene talk at some point in your life. Kim (my mama) was a stickler for ensuring her girls didn’t go out of the house with wrinkled clothes, ashy lips, legs or arms, more importantly she was not raising no stankin’ smellin’ girls. I can hear her now,  
“Jee no one should smell you once you come out of this bathroom.”
“When you walk out of this house with wrinkled clothes you are representing me…come back in this house and iron those clothes the RIGHT way!.”

My mama was a huge contributor to my OCD ways in my adulthood, thanks mama.

I have been extremely sensitive to soaps, body washes and body lotions with a few exceptions of Dove soap and Oil of Olay body wash. Over the years with each passing birthday it seems that my body changes, again my mother warned this would happen. After moving to Dallas a few years back my body changed to the point that I couldn’t even use Tampax tampons. The worse pain I have ever experienced. Even after visiting a doctor several times both in Chicago and Dallas they found nothing wrong. After test being run nothing abnormal was found. I then begin to use an organic line of tampons which was short lived relief for me.
So I was stuck not many options. At the beginning of this pandemic I was back at the same point of just suffering through each month. With the start of the pandemic not able to really see a doctor I felt stuck again. . Standing in the shower one day in pain I asked God, “Please heal me.” “Show me what to do.” Let me just pause here to encourage you to take moments to pray. Your answer will come you have to be willing to listen. 
On a Target run I see this product called HoneyPot on the shelf, I remember my cousin Whitney singing Honey Pot’s praises. Seemed that my prayers were being answered.
As every product before I proceeded with caution. IY’all I KID YOU NOT! The first time using  a Honey Pot pad my entire pocketbook sang like achorus..THANK YOU LORD! After two days of NO PAIN! Two days later I ran to the store to stock up with all the products Honey Pot have.
After being in pain for so long, self-diagnosing myself, switching products every other year, praying that I didn’t have some type of real illness I am finally free. It is a natural product, a remedy given to Bea Dixon (Honey Pot CEO) by the ancestors per her packaging, has me out here living free from pain. I believe I have finally found a product that has changed my life. I was very apprehensive in sharing about this very personal issue. The reality is I couldn’t not share about this experience. You have no idea or maybe you do of how I felt each month literally dreading it. To Bea Dixon my pocketbook and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If someone reads this and knows her let her know I am available to be a brand ambassador, here I am!

​Do yourself a favor go and get the products from Honey Pot I promise you, you won’t be disappointed! 


Quarantine Lessons


I Have Nothing!