You Are A Masterpiece!
Jee what are you afraid of? What is the thing that makes you shake in your boots? What is it? Why are you afraid of shining in your own right? What is making you afraid to walk in the direction of your dreams, not everyone else’s dream for you?
I’m Black All Year!
My blackness shouldn’t be an afterthought to rectify a situation where your racism was louder than your ability to be kind. My love of my blackness as well as my desire to be PRO- BLACK doesn’t mean I don’t want others to win. I just want to see BLACK folks WIN and LIVE too! That’s fair right?
Why Girl Be You?
Girl Be You is a way to remind myself in those moments that you am enough. Live from a place of awareness, love, reflection. It’s a reminder to smile from your heart, dream big. It’s a reminder to never ever compare yourself again to someone you know or don’t know.
I created Girl Be You for all the little girls within all of us who at some point believed in our dreams.
Girl, You Owe You!
Let me remind you it’s okay if they think that but, “Girl, You Owe You! It is your time to pay yourself back. It is your complete right to be a little selfish, be focused on your own goals. You owe it to You to see the life that you have only dreamed of. Just know no matter what I am out here cheering you on, girl!