There is no greater agony than bearing the story untold in you.

 ~Maya Angelou

Life is tough, the world can be loud. We can be even loud repeating our fears to ourselves. Girl it’s important to find your quiet, embrace your path, remind yourself everything you need within you.
You are enough!
It’s my hope my words and experience inspire you.
Don't let comparison rob you of the most beautiful life you can live being.
With Every Step, ​Girl, ​Be You

Got Discernment?
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

Got Discernment?

When I was younger I always thought felt that a bit awkward and out of place. Growing up we would have hour prayer one day of the week. During these times of prayer I would pray for wisdom and discernment. What I have realized over the years is discernment often allows you to see the intentions of people and or a situation.

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Thank You Goes A Long Way!
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

Thank You Goes A Long Way!

I have always believed a “Thank You” holds an incredible amount of power, it truly does go a long way as I would tell my brothers when they were younger. Beyond just being polite both “Thank You” and gratitude builds lasting relationships, creates a ripple effect of positivity.

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5 Lessons My Daddy Taught Me
JeeJee Miller JeeJee Miller

5 Lessons My Daddy Taught Me

In my younger years I didn’t understand my daddy much, what child does? In my adulthood I realized my daddy gave me the very best he had which was his wisdom and advice. The words I once hated hearing being repeated had now become the words that guided me my life. Today seems like a great day to share with you the Top 5 lessons my daddy taught me and my siblings.

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